Sunday, March 29, 2009

Finally...the real deal..Snake Race Report!

To all my fellow RW and TATURS....I'm sorry that I was such a tease, but I promise it has been worth ponder on what I might just say about my Snake Race buckle up and prepare to be amazed...Ken...grab some might be a little while...I'm adding all my pics and story line. :)

As I woke up on Saturday, March 21st, I realized that I might need to rethink this race. Since my allergies have flared up, I haven't been able to carb load like I needed to....nor did I run as much as I should have (sorry Coach got in the way)...yet did any of this prevent me from running on this blessed day...NO, no it did not. As any crazy RW or TATUR...we sometimes don't think rationally about what is good or not good for us...we just care about running when we want to run...especially races!

So, I got up in plenty of time to be at the starting line without any problems or a sense of rushing effect...yet somehow...(Michael) got in my way...he was watching a show that was pre-recorded...and because of my tv addiction and add and/or adhd...I WAS DISTRACTED. Before I knew it, we were going to make it to the finish line by the skin of a nano-second...craziness. I was throwing on shoes while Michael was driving like Speedy about what I DID NOT WANT TO START OUT was nuts.

I actually had to put my number on while starting the race...literally running and pinning...not the ideal situation for a runner...especially race day...but I managed to use the anger of not being prepared and being there on my advantage...I just ran....
As you can see, I didn't even have my ipod on right...I just looked at Ken as I ran by...looking like a nut trying to figure out where the tree is to store my food...hahahahaha. Any ways, I felt really good...surprising, since I hadn't ran but twice a week for the last two weeks...not my idea of dedicated, but I was determined to run this race (Ken talked it up so much).

Okay, now I'm looking like I have it all figured out. I've adjusted my ipod, which was amazing to have on this race...since talking to someone wasn't as good idea as I thought (more to come on that later). :) I did love the fact that the aide station was in a perfect spot. Just when I thought I couldn't go on...HELLO...there were many great people to serve us with tasty I try to be careful on what I eat...but Roman (with orders from Ken...I think) made the best dang treat I've ever tasted on a run. You know what I'm talking about. Now who in their right mind decides to combine oreos, peanut butter and m & m's? I'm not sure either, but I want to send a shout out to who the creator of this precious gem's delicious..........

Nice detour on the treats...back to the race. I figured the race got it's name by where we were running...I had no idea that it literally meant I'd be weaving in and out of runners. Nice twist there. This is only my 2nd trail race, so there are probably others like this...but it was my first...and I thought a lot about the title...go figure. I like to keep my mind bouncing around. I did hundreds of saves for myself while running....but there were a couple of times that I just couldn't save myself from the life changing spills....oh 1st one....I was on my 2nd loop of the race...on my way back to the finish line...
I was moving really fast, listening to Matt West...Motions...when click...air bound...flying like Super woman...crash...look around...people asking me if I'm okay...then getting up...laughing...saying I'll be okay...then saying to myself...this is like my many things get me down...stop me from living my life...but I don't let any of it for long...the devil...people...enemies...don't get to get me down for long...I was feeling very powerful...then I saw the injuries were there...they slowed me down...but I kept moving forward.

This pic shows not too long after I felt like Super Woman...I wish it could have shown the bruising that took place really did burn and ache the rest of the time...but that's not what stopped me...I finished loop 3 and felt really good...the kind of good that I could keep running the whole 6 was a wonderful feeling...yet sadly...did not last too much longer...
I loved the leaders of our race...they zoomed by me and others so many times...they were rock stars...and I felt like I was in Jr. High band....wishing someday I could play with the big dogs one day. :) My dreams for this race were shattered...when me and some roots on the path had a disagreement at mile 14.5. The roots did not completely win, since I did finish with 16 miles total in 3:12:20...but they injured me enough with two twisted ankles that 16 miles was my finish.
Sad, I know...but sometimes things work out for the better. My hubby was awesome in following me back from the aide station...I was like a penguin trying to run was very comical for myself walking like that...but my perseverance or stubbornness...paid off...because I did do more than I thought I was going to do when the race first started off...even being rushed and crazy. I love the finisher dew rag...nice touch...lightning is right...especially with it being a rainy day!

Here are some photos for your enjoyment when Michael and I got home...
He is amazing...I couldn't do what I do without him!

I was hurt..but I didn't let it get me. What's funny about this? On Monday at work, I was limping around...bruises and scratches showing...and people were really starting to look at me I decided to let them know what really happened over the weekend. I didn't want them to think my hubby was a wife beater...which I think made it look even more like that since I was giving excuses...but really...running really can beat us up! :) I PROMISE...IT'S THE RUNNING! :)

I'm here to pump you up! Actually all my runner friends, family and non-runners pump me up. I love the energy I get from the group...the racers that day were energetic and encouraging...each one is a blessing!
One of the most important things to remember is to always keep going and moving forward. There's enough to get us down (roots, our own two feet, etc.) in life. We just always need to remember when down on the ground...we must get up, dust ourselves off and move forward. :)

This is Chrissy Whitten...AKA Energizer Spud Bunny (ESB) I just keep going and going and's tough to balance all that I get myself into...but I try to be there for a good percentage of it all! I hope you enjoyed my report...hope it was worth the wait!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009


Ever need balance in your life? Well, I know I am definitely in need of balance once again for my life. It is so easy to get out of balance. Too much of too much! I want to balance the good, the bad, the ugly and the crazy busy life. I thought this was a great pic to remind me that even the heaviest of things can be balanced! I hope this finds each of you balancing life as it comes our way. Sometimes we just have to step it up and get balanced. I did a little research to find tips on the article below...this was a quick find...if you have better ones, please share with us all! 10 Tips for a Physically and Mentally Balanced Life
By Garrett J. Braunreiter, GHF's Success Coach

Every moment of every day, we have the ability to create for ourselves new beginnings and new challenges that will help us reach our full potential, and that all things are possible. It's easy to get overwhelmed by negative thoughts, people, and circumstances, but we can take steps to understand what it means to live a balanced life. Vital health and peace of mind go hand in hand - you can't be physically super fit without being mentally super fit as well. And more and more people today are interested in becoming truly healthy - not just physically - but mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as well.

Here are 10 tips to keep yourself in balance:
1. Exercise. A well-rounded fitness routine includes strength training, aerobic conditioning, and
flexibility. Critical to your success in staying balanced is to make exercise a TOP PRIORITY in your life - and staying committed to it. Being fit helps you to enjoy life. It increases mental sharpness and physical endurance. An energized body helps give you a positive outlook on life, plus you look great, feel great, and reduce your risk of disease. (RUN, RUN, RUN)

2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.Water helps transport vital nutrients, regulates body temperature, eases digestion, keeps joints supple, cleans out your body, keeps skin healthy and young. Not drinking enough leads to dehydration, resulting in headaches, fatigue, dizziness, constipation, and foggy memory.

Not drinking enough water can lead to excess water weight, because our bodies will store water outside our cells. That's where you feel bloaty and heavy. Water helps the liver do its job more efficiently, namely in metabolizing fat. If you're not consuming enough water, your liver has to work overtime with its other primary function: detoxifying the body. Water helps maximizes the liver's efficiency of both jobs, so you keep your insides clean, your weight healthy, and get rid of fat.

3. Life is perfect, even if you don't think it is. God deals you a hand every day. What you get is what you get. Your job is to do the best you can with the hand you're dealt. That doesn't mean you have to "lie down and play dead." What can you do better to make your life MORE perfect? Know that you can create your dreams, no matter how difficult life can be at times.

4. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Helen Keller once said, "Life is either a series of adventures, or it is nothing." We all have this shield of armor that protects us from some aspect of life. This shield is your comfort zone. And that comfort zone is a haven for disintegration. When you take off this armor, the only thing you're risking is GROWTH, a wonderful life, high energy, and a leaner body.

5. Be a daily visionary.Visualize your goals and your dreams - every day. Take a five-minute break from your computer, stop off on the side of the road in between sales meetings, and create a motion picture on the screen of your mind of your goals, your dreams, of how you'd like your life to be. Visualize yourself already in possession of your wishes.

6. Feed your body well. Your diet can help prevent illness and disease. Some 300,000 deaths per year are a result of poor lifestyle choices, and nutrition habits is one of those poor choices. 1) Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day, 2) Eat at least 4 balanced meals a day, 3) Eat a variety of fruits and veggies - in different colors. These colors will give you a greater spectrum of valuable disease-fighting nutrients.

7. Live in the present. Yesterday's gone. Tomorrow never comes. Be fully present each moment and free yourself from the ball-and-chain of yesterday and tomorrow. Everything is always in the present moment, so live it fully.

8. Live with integrity. You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? Being in integrity means you really are who you appear to be. How you live your life is reflected in your commitments, your values, your beliefs, your sense of right and wrong. When you live in harmony with what you believe in, you have peace and happiness flowing into your life.

9. Develop high self-esteem. You already know how you benefit from a high self-esteem. People who you care about benefit, too. Let go of your emotional baggage, treat yourself with respect. Your attitude - how you think, feel, and act - mirrors how you feel about yourself.

10. Live respectfully. You are NOT at the mercy of your circumstances. George Bernard Shaw said, "The winners in life look for the ideal circumstances, and if they cannot find them, THEY MAKE THEM." Are YOU letting your present results and circumstances control YOU? Are YOU making things happen?

This article was provide by Garrett J. Braunreiter, CSCS, GHF's Success Coach. Please visit his site at

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm stuffed!

This little guy is a perfect illustration of my emotions, eating and more...ever feel you can't eat one more...or hear or think about one more issue or life lesson...well...I may feel like I can't...but I want to CANCEL/CANCEL the negative and bring on the positive...I think I've been able to process some information and food lately...and feel much better for it. I'm excited about running with the group tonight!
Just remember when you get like this little remind yourself to take time to process anything and everything! Life is too short to hold it all in! There's only so much one can hold in! Have an awesome day letting it happen...much love being sent out!

Enough Said! :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Two Steps Forward, then Two Steps Back

How many of us do this dance where we go two steps forward, then two steps back? Actually I think my steps increase many times. I hope to be moving forward...even with all the chaos that is around us. Thank you all for the prayers, we need them. There's lots of turmoil around us. So many people are going through many things...such as divorce, losing their job, infertility, anger, death and more. I want to look at the sunny side of life....I may take two or more steps back...but I will move forward.

We've gone through many things in our walk...and guess what...we are still here...we are so blessed and lucky....we have a wonderful family and friends....vehicles to drive...true love...running :)...roof over our in our tummy...and many, many more blessings. I thank God for eye sight to stop and smell those roses.

Pity parties come and go, but blessings are always here. If you are reading this...I pray you get to take the steps forward. Life definitely throws us curve balls all the time...yet you can still hit those suckers out of the ballpark. I look forward to the adventures...for I know there will be a couple of pity parties that take me steps back...but I know I'll start to move forward in no time.

Cheers to being alive and experiencing life through the good, the bad and the ugly. I'm going to KEEP MOVING FORWARD...because stepping backgrounds doesn't allow me to cross the finish line! :)